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Home > Urgent telegram in a sentence

Urgent telegram in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2024-08-09Updated:2024-08-09
Similar words: telegramtelegraphwireless telegraphytelegraphyby telegraphtelegraphictelegraph poletelegraph office
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1 Urgent telegram service is not available for it.
2 Sorry, urgent telegram service is not available for it.
3 Ordinary Telegram rates are less than Urgent Telegram rates.
4 I want to have It'sent by an urgent telegram.
5 Scarlett was in Marietta when Rhett's urgent telegram came.
6 Eleanor sent an urgent telegram back to Freder: "Lion received."
7 Do you wish to send it as an urgent telegram?
8 The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace...
9 I want to have it sent by an urgent telegram.
10 But late the same day Russian President Dmitry Medvedev the Russian Federal Security Secretary urgent telegram,[] to communicate the incident.
More similar words: telegramtelegraphwireless telegraphytelegraphyby telegraphtelegraphictelegraph poletelegraph officetelegraphicallytelegraph operatortelegraphic transferintelligent terminalIndependent Televisioncablegramurgenttelegenicurgentlyinsurgentresurgentdivergent thinkingconvergent thinkinggenerative grammartelevision programintelligent tutoring systemseparate legal entityroentgenogrammanagement training programcourgetteurgencyturgenev
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